“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27
Community of Believers is dedicated to minister to both the physical and spiritual needs of individuals and families in our community that are in need of encouragement and hope.
We have partnered with the North Texas Food Bank to help feed hungry families in our community and surrounding cities. Every month, CommunityOfBelievers provides food, encouragement and prayer to those in need.
FOOD PANTRY HOURS We will be open EVERY WEDNESDAY from 10:30am - 12:45pm. Come and receive dry good items, such as various canned goods, all sorts of boxed goods, drinks and meat (when available). Call (972) 772-4411 for requirements or more information.
If you need help with food, or if you would like to make donations or help us, please visit or call us at: 3023 Interstate 30 East Frontage Road Suite 1100/1200 Rockwall, TX 75087 (972)772-4411
Each Thanksgiving, we prepare boxes of food and turkeys so families in our community will be able to share a Thanksgiving Meal with their families. Thanksgiving is a great time to stop and thank God for His many blessings. We are able to meet the physical needs of these families, as well as their spiritual needs as we have a thanksgiving service to worship God, hear the word of our need for the Lord and to have someone prayer for them. Thanks to our partnership with the North Texas Food Bank, donations of the community, and a great army of volunteers, we are able to bless these families.